Dreams and memories frozen in time...
As the first snow mingles with stardust and moonlight, an enchanted kingdom comes to life once again, deep in the Ebonshire forest. The White Queen of Winter returns to cast her ancient spell of slumber, and as the woodlands drift to sleep, she watches over a tranquil realm of wondrous dreams and memories frozen in time.
The instrumentals include piano, harp, and music box melodies, accented with Gregorian chanting, pipe organs, violins, acoustic guitar, and Nox Arcana's original rendition of "Greensleeves," ideal for a Solstice celebration.
Press Reviews
Winter's Eve 5
Gravedigger's Local 16
Hauntingly beautiful, evoking the alternating beauty and fury of winter, focusing on memories and magic and thus perfect for playing in full at holiday parties.
Winter's Eve 5
Carol Swanson, ChristmasReviews.com
Moodily magnificent, Winter's Eve is all about the atmospherics. This music is positively perfect background music for a holiday event that is out-of-the-ordinary, exploring the mystical, goth side of winter.
Winter's Eve 5
Metal Sound Magazine
You're going to be caught up in the vibe of invisible winter's spells and and wrapped in the cloak of the frost and beautiful star-dust.
Winter's Eve 5
Draconis Blackthorne, Fangoria
Winter's Eve calls to mind evocations of all those wintery traditions, while the Magic of the season comes alive like first snow when the orchestrations permeate the chilled atmosphere, glowing in the black light of the moon.
Listener Reviews
Winter's Eve5 Winter in my soul
by Harmony's Minion –
iTunes –
Oct 31, 2014
I am so pleased that Nox Arcana made this album. It shows what these gentlemen can do with any theme they take up. Vivid images come to mind as I listen. I especially liked The Gifts if the Magi. I could feel the swaying camel ride as Balthasar, Melchior and Gaspar loped across the starlit terrain in anticipation of a wondrous encounter. Whenelse have three leaders ever left the pleasures of court to undertake an arduous journey with a lofty common goal?
Winter's Eve5 =)
by Link76 –
iTunes –
Dec 3, 2012
Beautiful album !
Winter's Eve5 Their Best!!!!!!!
by DFW –
iTunes –
Dec 17, 2009
I know we're not allowed to say Christmas here in the United States, but this is a great Christmas album from these guys. When I select the genre "Christmas" in iTunes DJ, these songs will meld nicely with all my other Christmas tunes. The album as a whole is typical Nox. DARK! But, IMHO their best. Now I wait for the frauds to throw me in prison for saying Christmas.
Winter's Eve5 The Peaceful Side to Nox Arcana
by Eversworn –
iTunes –
Dec 1, 2009
I have been following the renowned band Nox Arcana (which had placed itself at the very top of my fantasy bands the second I took a listen to its music) for some time and I can honestly say that Winter's Eve is the only album that they have recorded to date that is entirely peaceful. Not one pounding track is in it, such as Night of the Wolf in Transylvania or Dragon Riders in Blood of the Dragon, except to certain extents Pax Terra and The Ides of December. But actually I'm glad they made a very peaceful one, because, it, in all essence and body, is OUTSTANDINGLY beautiful. Bells, pianos, chimes, a soft chorus, quiet synthesizers (I am not quite sure), some violins and other strings, and an astounding lone vocal in the song Winter's Eve (I believe the same in Treasure of the Four Crowns on the album Blood of the Dragon) make this album one of the most beautiful, inspiring, imaginative, peaceful, and mesmerizing, yet softly haunting, albums I have ever listened to. Just as a side note, I bought every one of the tracks except The Messenger and Pax Terra, something I have never done (bought all but 2 tracks on a 21 track album). I hope this album moves you as much as it did me, and if this is your first time listening to Nox Arcana, once you listen you will never go back. If you like Winter's Eve, then also definitely check out Winter's Knight, because many of the tracks have the same unique tone. :)
Winter's Eve5 Awesome.. simply awesome
by Grumpy Things –
iTunes –
Nov 30, 2009
I purchased this album the day it was released. The theme of a winter's night is gentle, soft and haunting in that way that makes you wonder what that certain something is hovering just beyond the corner of your eye. You can almost imagine snowflakes edged with razors falling from the hazed sky on a chill, misty night. Frozen Memories, Magic and Moonlight and Greensleeves are but three of the unforgettabel tracks. I had thought Phantoms of the High Seas my favorite, but Winter's Eve definitely edges close to the top.
Winter's Eve5 More melodic less haunting
by Zig1130 –
iTunes –
Nov 30, 2009
I just recently started listening to Nox Arcana, and I'm hooked! I really like this album it's a little less haunting than their other music but also has a lot of melody, a lot of great piano work, something you could easily listen to while you are trying to sleep, a must buy if you are a fan.